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Security Systems

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  WSS85 mobile for all caliber up to .338 LM < 8.500 Joule

  • Are tested by US and German government. The test report can be send upon request.
  • Perfect for mobile use for safety checks of confiscated firearms
  • well known standardized ammo box 5,56 NATO (P108)
  • gas pressure springs ensure easy opeing and closing
  • Perfect for offside mission with hotel stay
  • ensure a safe holding of the firearm, no muzzle movement.
  • a bullet from an unintended discharge is destroyed completely
  • safety at work made easy to safe lifes and prevents injuries
  • are used on airplanes and vessels, are smaller, lighter and superior to any other technique.
  • They are reliable partner for Police, Armed Forces, Homeland, NATO, Customs, Justice and many more
  • up to 50 rounds caliber .300 WinMag (7,62 x 67mm)
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All caliber up .338 LM < 8.500 Joule

Weight only 12 kg

Size: 33 x 25 x 20 cm

Muzzle opening; 9,5 cm